Monday, April 21, 2008

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Party Like It's 1969

This morning I came in to a powered down computer. Typically I come in and this guy says "Where ya been? Let's do this work thing" cause I have left it on to do some rendering, downloading, compressing, capturing or any combination thereof. So the question would then be "Why, oh Josh, did you power down yesterday? Well you see, inquisitive reader, there was a scheduled power outage (for repairs I assume) yesterday about the time I was leaving so I saved, quit, powered down and left.

Fast forward to the present. I power on my computer and get this warning dialog:

"That's weird" I thought, "Perhaps someone has finally written a virus for the Mac OS warranting I start being careful what I do online...damn." "Wait! The outage, yeah that is more probable." So I go to my Date/Time Prefs to change it back to today. I thought it was actually set to the date the warning dialog told me, or at least close to 2001. But I was wrong, and it made me laugh...and apparently blog about it.

All seems well, no viruses...yet. I'm really dreding that day. I really like the no frills - no worries part of the internet that Mac gives me.