Thursday, July 20, 2006

Freelance Is Good

This can be quick so I'll post it.

In my ever decreasing spare time I've been developing logos for two moving companies (actually owned by the same people) based in San Antonio, TX. A good friend of mine who I used to play guitar with here in Delaware moved down there and took a position as their Marketing/Sales Manager. So he's been able to throw some extra cash my way and it's been extremely helpful.

I don't consider myself much of a "graphic artist" or "logo designer" but is seems that everyone wants either that or a website, which is actually another area where I consider my skills so-so. Ironically, I currently am juggling these two logo design jobs, a print ad and a website in my spare time as freelance. Haha!

Gotta do whatcha gotta do.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Ushooz Spot

It was nice getting back into After Effects today after a series of horror picture projects last week. I thought this turned out great for not having any ideas at 8:00 this morning. So here it is, my latest creation, fresh off the render queue! I had one day (today) to create a 30 second spot for one of the late Behind Lacrosse sponsors known as Ushooz. This is the first draft, let me know what you think if you can wait out the download time! (28.2 MB)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Heavy Lifting

I'll probably get time to blog about two of the one hundred things that have been going on lately, so I guess I'm left to pick and choose the best slash most important of them.

Last Monday Dad and I packed up our home offices and moved to our new office in Milford! It was kind of fun. I always start out enjoying the opportunity to set up my work area again, but then half way through my mind reminds me of all the productive things that I should be doing with the computer pieces I'm holding. Then it's just annoying.

When I say "new office" I mean new to us. The building itself is pretty old. As you can see in the photos, we filled the main room up pretty quickly. Most of what you see is from Dad's office. After all he's been at it a little longer than I have. ;-) As you can see below, we were able to put the garage door to good use already!

Before we moved I signed us up for GotVMail, a virtual phone service complete with extentions and hold music. You call our 800 number and press the extention of the person you want to speak with and GotVMail will transfer your call to any phone number. We use our cell phones. At least we did before we moved into the building with the 1 foot thick walls. Our cell reception is crap. Especially when the other person is also on a cell. While we work through a fix, we're just sprinting across the building to go outside to answer our phones when they ring. It's actually quite humorous when it's not you.

As of right now most of the boxes are unpacked and things are starting to look a lot more organized. My office is funny because I'm not used to the space. Everything I have I use so it's all crammed in my little desk in the far corner. I'm hoping to get some shelves and another desk soon. Then I will be able to spread out a little better.

The room with the double doors is our prep / storage room. The room with the hard wood floor is our meeting room / lobby area. The two offices you see in the wide junky shot are mine and dads (from left to right). I'll try and post some after pictures in the near future for you all.

Watermark is open for business! (Assuming you get through)