Thursday, March 23, 2006

The "Rock the Filters/Plug-ins" Contest

I was just spacing out to the iTunes visualizer and had a crazy idea.

Since most of the people that read this blog are designers who also maintain regular blogs, I want to throw this at you all.
Lets hold a contest. Here are the stipulations:

1. Pick your favorite graphic program. (You may only use one.)
2. Create a new document (1280x1024) and use as many plug-ins/filters as you possibly can.
3. Still images only (wallpaper). No animation.
4. You can import photos, but don't do something in Photoshop then import that to AE. One program only!
5. Make it look interesting and not just like a single layer with a million filters on it. It can be abstract or have a theme.
6. When you're finished post it on your blog with either a copy of the rules or a link to this post.
7. Comment on this post with a link to your blog entry.

Rock Em!

DISCLAIMER - The iTunes photo above is NOT my entry. It's a screenshot of what inspired this contest.


Anonymous said...

My effort...

Josh said...

Trippy, just as I imagined it! Thank you Mary Jane for both partaking in the contest and being there for Spidey during those rough times. :-)

Anonymous said...

A little late, and not 1280x1024 -- but my tablet resolution is 1024x768. So use it as the desktop on your CrapTop!!

All done in SketchBook Pro. Probably a couple hours...

Josh said...

Well, this contest didn't turn out how I expected...

Your sketch is nice Dan! Where's all the filters? And you're not late, I haven't even entered in my own contest yet. Maybe I won't at all.

Anonymous said...

I still have to enter mine. Stupid job getting in the way of pointless but oh-so-fun contest sponsered by Mr. Josh Sammons. I love no pants dances.

Anonymous said...

I'll admit to no you recall, you said just that it had to be done in one program. :) hehe....OK, OK - I didn't do a wallpaper. I just submitted this cuz I had nothing else. Sorry.