Thursday, April 27, 2006

You Know You Play Too Much Halo When:

- You keep trying to pick things up by walking over them.
- You find yourself blocking entranceways with vehicles.
- Your wife starts asking who Cortana is.
- You are able to stand on someones head without them realising it.
- You steal random flags.
- You've considered making a map of your workplace. (Dan!)
- You hum the Halo theme while running down the beach.
- You're surprised when you walk outside and can't see the other side of the planet in the sky.
- You prefer chryo-tubes to beds.
- At the end of the day you mutter to yourself: "G.G. man, G.G."
- You look for the index in a public library
- Your computers' text-to-speech voice is set to the closest thing you find to Cortana.
- You get lost while driving and wait, expecting Cortana to tell you where to go.
- You wake up next to Master Chief.
- Your 'mean names' for people include "modder", "camper" or "noob"
- You drive recklessly, thinking you'll respawn if you die.
- You nod your head whenever you talk to someone.
- You jump off a cliff just to see the funny animation of you falling.
- You attempt to change lanes on the freeway by strafing left.
- The side of your van reads "Echo 419".
- You've referred to your parents/boss as "the Hierarchs" more than once.
- You find this list humurous.

I wrote the bolded ones!


Super Uncool said...

You wrote the bold ones, or they're the ones you actually do? Or both?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'd like to know if you just do them, or if you actually wrote 'em?

Josh said...

The only one I actually do is Hum the Halo Theme while running down the beach.

Oh, and I am getting better at standing on peoples heads without them noticing.

Anonymous said...

You don't mutter "GG man, GG!" to yourself? I say that all the time! AT least, when I have a GG I say it. I mean, if I didn't have a GG there would be no point in saying it, right? Its just pointless chatter to say GG without the actual act of having a GG being involved. And I'm not one to simply chatter for no reason. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if I were to not have a GG and accidentally say that I did have a GG that you would be able to stand on my head without my knowledge. If you did do that though, it would be a GG for you so you'd have to say GG to yourself before the end of the GG were to occur. n00b.