Monday, August 14, 2006

Financial Words Of Wisdom

As a proud subscriber of The Dave Ramsey Show podcast, I occasionally edit a clip from his 3 hr show that either taught me something remarkable or talked about someting I wanted to remember, and post it on my server for my wife to hear back home.

I wanted to share the three clips I've made so far with anyone who is interested. Mainly because financial advice (good finacial advice) is hard to come by. Unless of course you too are a subscriber. :o)

Clip 1: allowance.mp3 2.4MB | 2:34
Dave's thoughts on how to let kids deal with money at an early age.

Clip2: creditors.mp3 6.9MB | 7:31
Here he explains how creditors will do outrageous things to get your emotions running high in order to get you to pay their bill, and how to deal with their trickery.

Clip 3: technology-emotions.mp3 3.3MB | 8:07
An explaination of how businesses push using plastic & other new technologies as the preffered payment method over cash because there is no emotional tie there.

If you liked these, I'd encourage you to listen online or subscribe to the podcast. It's good stuff!

1 comment:

DEBTective said...

Old Dave Ramsey's plan makes a lot of sense, doesn't it, bub? Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for getting the word out about deep-sixing the debt and connecting with the cash!