Wednesday, October 19, 2005

World On Fire

I have to thank my bro Nick for this one.

View this music video before continuing.

I was taken by surprise while watching that. It is incredible isn't it? Being a producer and knowing full well that those numbers are true (even higher in some places) it made something inside me break to ask the question "What are you doing with what you have?" Forget everyone else. What are you doing about it? Nick even closes his blog posing that question. Personally, I feel that God has blessed my life incredibly, however, should you ask me how I'm doing financially I would immediately compare myself to that 'other guy' who is making more than I do or has a bigger house than me and answer, "I'm just doing ok" thinking all the while, man I'm poor.
But when I really look at it, I am married to the most incredible woman I have ever met, I'm in a career that I love to be in, AND I'm expecting a child soon! The bills are paid and I love my life. Aside from that all I need is to trust in Him. Which is a decision, not a paygrade. I think we all feel like we don't have enough to make any significant change to anyone else. In this day and age, society is telling us that you should just mind your own business because if you try to reach out to your neighbor to lend a helping hand you just might loose it. And those two things are exactly why we don't take action. As Nick so adequately put, "The problem is that we're so often moved internally, but never really do anything about." Does that mean in order to make a noteworthy contribution you have to sponsor a child through world vision? Nope. It means choosing to live your life in a way that others are touched by you. And as a result of that finding yourself being deeply touched by others in ways you would have never imagined possible. Thats my 'two', just let the video speak to you as it may. I know it has me. Keep it up little bro.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. Is that a real music video that cost $150k, or did they make the video and send the rest of the $150k to the starving countries elsewhere?

Aside from that, we are blessed in this country - and I know that personally I couldn't be happier with life. Sure there's things I'd like to change, but I'm happy with things the way they are because they certainly could be much worse.

Too bad it doesn't cost $200/year to send someone to school over here, or $3,500 for schooling and support (whatever that means) for 75 kids! Stupid American prices being so high...its expensive to live in the U.S.!

Josh said...

It was my impression that the video we saw was intended to state the production budget as a comparison to third world countries from the start.

The video breaks down what the $150,000 went to in production vs. what it could have been used for in other countries, reinforcing their point that "$150,000 could make a difference to 1,000,000 people."

However the begining and the end tag lines confuse me a bit.

BEGINING TAG: "This video costs $150,000. What's wrong with this video? Well, it only cost $15"

The only thing I can think of that makes this make sence is that the production cost them $150,000 and they sell the tapes/DVDs for $15.

END TAG: "So thats where all the money went."

This could mean something completely different if it was said semi-sarcastically. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I think they don't realize is that if they break the $150,000 into pennies and give a penny to every person, then they can impact 15,000,000 people instead of only 1,000,000. After all, it only costs $200 to go to school for a year over there, I bet for a penny they could get a nice car or an XBox or something.

Josh said...
