Friday, October 28, 2005

Home Sweet Halloween

A few hours from now I will still be sitting, only in my car on the road, Delaware bound for the weekend!
Tomorrow, the 29th of October, I will be 22 years of age. This weekend bears a halloween costume party that I am really looking forward to attending. It's hosted by Lindsey's Aunt & Uncle and there's usually free drinks. :-) Happy B-Day to me! I'm dressing up as a pimp, and Linz is going to be my "modest" hooker. Besides just being a fun idea, it truthfully was the cheapest thing we could whip up from stuff we had from 2003's costume party and what we found lying around the house. I got this brown pimp hat and glasses that resemble that of which the king wore. Marry that with my brown suit and the bright red large collared shirt I have and I am halloween pimpin!

Anyways, should be fun. I'll keep you posted . . . . get it? . . post, ah never mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope you guys had fun! I'm sure I'll find out in about 15 minutes when you get into work.

And before you come into my office and ask, yes my blog is down. A support tickets has been (or will be shortly) submitted. It's on their end.