Sunday, August 28, 2005

Reminisced Threats

Since nothing exciting that I'm willing to write about is happening currently in my life, allow me to reminisce upon murderous threats placed on my life a few months ago. Linz and I met some friends at Trindle Bowl planning on a fun-filled night of hurling heavy round objects at further away stationary objects when a few of us realized that they didn't accept anything except cash. About eight of us walked outside planning to drive to the nearest ATM when suddenly some jerk in a red Cherokee with his window down and stopped in front of the building said "I don't remember seeing any f*king stop sign" in a tone begging for a quarrel. Without any thought I turned and gave him a "WTF?" look, knowing that his vehicle had been stationary since the time we walked out of the building. I just ignored him and continued talking to my friends about who was riding with who and so forth when again he made a smart remark concerning us walking in front of his parked car. I knew he was staring at me in particular because I was the first across and I'm the one that "caused" the problem in his mind. Finally after more remarks I said back "Look man, I'm not sure what made your day so crappy that you feel the need to impose it upon us, we're having a great time." Then I walked away with the people I was driving. And out comes the dragons. This guy and his little friend had to have been high on something, the driver was cursing and telling me he was going to kill me and he wanted to fight me. I laughed and shook my head at first but my heart was racing. This kind of thing doesn't happen to me...Ever. So I'm basically ignoring him and walking away. My friends were lagging because they didn't really know what was going on until his friend flicked a cigarette butt onto a girl we were with. We're half way through the parking lot to our car, we're getting pretty mad and these guys are still following us. Josh, one of my friends with us stopped and told them that he was an officer of the law and they better get in line. (Josh is actually a security guard) We got to our car and started getting in and this guy is standing 2 feet away from my open door, threatening me, my wife and my friends. So at this point (in which I was pretty nervous) I stood up and faced him looked him straight in the eye and said "Look, I'm not going to fight you tonight, you need to get back in your car and leave us the hell alone." Woah! Did I just say that?! It felt good to stand up for myself, my wife and my friends. Meanwhile, Lindsey is hanging out of the passengers door yelling, "Josh, lets GO. You don't know what he's got! He could have anything, he's crazy!" I know she's trying to help because she's concerned for me but I'm just thinking "Great babe, your probably fueling his fire". I didn't want to get cut or shot by some asshole that thinks he's the stuff cause he's high and has nothing better to do on a Friday night. So for Lindsey, I got in the car and we left. The driver says "C'mon scooter, lets go!" and they run back to their Cherokee and yell "We're going to follow you!" which they did with their high beams on while our other friend Nick called the cops and told them about what happened and gave them their plate number. Not even a half mile down the road they swerve over to the 581 exit and speed off like the cool guys they are. With my heart still racing, my mind tried to conceive what just took place. Looking back on it, I think everyone has times in their life where they encounter a situation like this and get a chance to stand up for themselves and/or their friends and family. When you take such opportunities and do what needs to be done and take a stand instead of backing down and letting them push you around, you feel good inside. So next time a high person says he's going to kill you, look him straight in the eye and say whatever it is you need to say to stand up to him. (and pray hard you don't die!)


Anonymous said...

Man, you had all the fun without me!?

Josh said...

Haha, you should have been there. Then you could have single-handedly taken him down for us. Not that we couldn't at any time we wanted but...yeah, awesome.