Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Vector Addiction

About a month ago I started getting into a style of digital art known as vector art. I had been showing my beautiful wife Lindsey some examples on deviantART, a site designed specifically for artists like myself to post their work and have other artists around the world comment on it. She began to show an interest in how vector was done so I showed her. We started our first vectors together and I am about half way through mine and she has about 6 completed. I should note, however, that our styles do differ. She takes a more stylized simplistic approach while I go for more realistic look. Hopefully I will find the time to finish my first sometime, but for now definitely check out hers.

1 comment:

Josh said...

She says "Thank you" and that's ok man, I still catch myself calling her "my girlfriend" once in a blue moon (which I need to stop since we've been married for over a year now!) ahh.