Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Question Of The Day

While installing Adobe's Photoshop CS2 today I encountered a rather unusual prompt. I opened Adobe's updater only to find that the most recent version of Photoshop has an old version of updater. That or the new version was telling me that there was a newer one available for download. It wanted me to update the updater before searching and installing any possible updates. Go Figure. Here's a screenshot of the question I faced upon successfully completing the installation.

Which brings about another, somewhat unrelated, question. What did the developers use to create the GUI for the very first version of Photoshop?
Food for thought.


Anonymous said...

You think they use Photoshop to develop their interfaces?

Josh said...

I have to post this.

JOSH: If they didn't use Photoshop to create the interface then what did they use?
DAN: Illustrator.
JOSH: Then what did they make Illustrators first interface with?
DAN: Photoshop.