Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween Recap

I have this theory, that time will either prove or disprove, that all these years that I've turned another year older and not felt it will hit all at once, when the baby is born.
Despite not feeling it, my birthday weekend did in fact turn out to be a good one. The costume party was a lot of fun. Our pimp/hooker costumes were a hit and I still don't have a camera to capture the memories. I should be getting some pics from people that were able to take them and once I do I'll be sure to post them.

On a separate note, my website / email is down because I failed to renew the domain! Since I own joshsammons.com I've been using the email I set up there. Of course, I didn't have that email when I registered the domain so naturally the 'renewal reminder emails that were sent to me went to my old email account...which I haven't check in God knows how long. Needless to say, I checked it once my joshsammons account went down and there the domain was just waiting for me to renew it...poor domain. My apologies to everyone who had tried emailing me within the past two days. Another 48 hours and it should be back up.

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