Thursday, December 08, 2005

Exhale (Only To Inhale Again)

Lately I feel like I've have had half a million things going on, most of which take up my spare time and have nothing to do with work. Well...I shouldn't say nothing because by far the biggest is the fact that come January, I will be employed by Watermark Productions located in Southern Delaware! (I'm working on the new site so nothing is up there quite yet) Watermark is owned and operated by my father Bill Sammons who has so graciously offered a mentorship program to me with the intention of soon stepping away and letting me take ahold of the reigns! This daunting task is both overwhelmingly exciting and extremely nerve-racking. Lindsey and I recently found a house to rent in Milford where I will be working out of until Watermark grows into an office. There's an extra guest room as well as one for the baby, and the dogs have a moderately sized back yard to run around in. A few weekends ago my father-in-law and I built the biggest dog house I had ever seen for Jax & Sadie to keep warm in during the winter. I'll be putting a heat lamp in there for them soon and I think they're just going to love it. Say good-bye to crates and a small apartment! I suppose we're all excited about that!
So today I gave my two weeks at Triscari and to my surprise, everything went really really well. Seb seemed happy about it, which could be read two ways I guess. The other producers were sad to hear one of them was departing but I know they understand. Over the past two months we've been making long one-day-weekend trips which has enabled us to move enough of our "stuff" to mom's to make our apartment look empty and at the same time keep us worried over the question "Will the rest of it fit in the huge trailer Dad's bringing on the 17th?". I also have to line up a way for my piece of stang to travel back home. Ugh. Well, now I'm rambling on with my thoughts.

Man...two weeks. It's going to fly by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Why are you leaving us behind? You promised Jon you wouldn't leave. You know he's going to miss you on those cold, winter nights....