Monday, February 13, 2006

Just Four Fun

4 jobs You've Had In Your Life:

• Kings Ice Cream
• Vans Shoes Sales Clerk
• Pacific Sunwear Sales Clerk
• Ruby Tuesday Server

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

• Boondock Saints
• Fight Club
• Matrix (any of the trilogy)
• Mr & Mrs Smith

4 Places You Have Lived:

• Milton, DE
• Memphis, TN
• York, PA
• Harrisburg, PA

4 TV Shows You Love To Watch:

• Invasion
• Family Guy
• Lost
• Arested Development

4 Places You Have Been On Vacation:

• Hawaii
• Niagra Falls (Canada side)
• Las Vegas
• Israel

4 Websites You Visit Daily:

• Watermark (homepage)
• Friends who have posted in their blog
• Google
• Forums

4 Of Your Favorite Foods:

• Chinese
• Italian
• Seafood

4 Places You Would Rather Be Right Now:

• Rolling in money
• On vacation
• With Lindsey
• Sleeping

4 Bloggers You Are Tagging:

• Tim
• Jason
• Nick
• A random person on myspace


Anonymous said...

My last person on MySpace wasn't random. Just silly. Tehehe.

Anonymous said...

Arested Development worked for me!