Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Configuring a Linksys WET54G Ethernet Bridge (for Mac)

This is really just for my own records but I suppose someone could stumble upon this in a Google search so...here goes.

If you travel in the likeness of any of the media circles I do, people (including Apple's and Linksys' tech support) will tell you that it isn't possible to configure a Linksys WET54G Bridge (or any other wireless device) to get a Dual / Quad G5 machine online. The box has the Mac logo right on it but once you break that seal the Macintosh platform is mysteriously forgotten altogether.

Well guess what, it is possible! It just takes a few more steps than you're probably used to.

After little effort researching this problem I found this helpful and very straight foreward article. For the why's and how's check it out. Like I said, this post is just so I remember how to do it. :o) Oh, and it works for OS X and OS 9.



WARNING: You may have to rest the device prior to these steps.

TCP/IP Prefs:
- Connect: Built-In Ethernet / Manually
- IP address:
- Subnet Mask:
- Gateway/Router:


In Browser:
- Hit:
- Username = "admin"
- Password = "admin" (sometimes = "password")
- "Wireless" Section > click on "Site Survey" button
- Click on desired base station
- Set Security Settings (if any apply to network)
- Apply changes in pop up window.
- Apply changes from main window as well.

TCP/IP Prefs:
- Connect: Built-In Ethernet / Using DCHP


Surf The Net!


Anonymous said...

Of course its possible. :) Hopefully, though, since you posted your router password for all to see -- you changed it! Otherwise it'll be easy to hack :)

Josh said...

Yeah. That's just what it default's to when you reset the modem. Plus you have to know the network passphrase to even get on the network in order to attempt to login to the router (whose password HAS changed).