Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My LongHorn Country

As of 12:25 AM, October 25th LongHorn's website is LIVE!

It's my best web work thus far so check it out! All you web developers reading this (I know there's at least two of you) try not to pick it apart too much. But do let me know if you find something I should consider changing.

There's still a few features to add but for the most part it's done...FINALLY!

WooOOoo HooOOOooO!



Anonymous said...

Looks really good, Josh... the only suggestion I'd make would be to make the webmaster's email address actually be a little Javascript function to send an email, rather than just a link. Links are easily harvested by spammers, but Javascript isn't.

Anonymous said...

I dig it dude. Love the look.

Think you should put a special link in there though to some Meat Spin.