Sunday, October 01, 2006

Harvest This!

I can't believe I made this instead of working on freelance that is due next week.
...haha, yes I can. This freaking rocks!

I guess I should share the backstory for those interested. While recently in NJ, Lindsey recieved a gift from my grandmother. Yes, it was a thanksgiving wall hanging thing which looks (almost) identical to this one. I came home from work one day and Linz had hung this up on our front door. I was intrigued as I was certian we did not own anything this country looking. So I squinted at it from the drivers seat and tried to read what it said up top. Harrrrveeeessssttt......this?? HAHA!! It actually says "harvest time."

And so that's how the idea was born. Later I told Dad about it and he very jokingly said "You should make it say that". So I did.

And now, my latest 1280 x 1024 Fall Season wall.



Anonymous said...

Hurleybmx710: you could definitely sell that logo to a t shirt print company
LarriveeKOA: I might just try
LarriveeKOA: you should write that in the comment area


Super Uncool said...


Anonymous said...

Haha! That's awesome! It reminds me of one of Piyush's shirts...

Anonymous said...

OK so didn't like me posting a huge URL like that. I'll break it up, but obviously you don't include the line breaks when you copy/paste it.