Monday, October 09, 2006

The First Type

- Typed by Riley Thomas Sammons in an IM window to daddy at work.

Yep, that's what the man was feeling at 11:53 AM this morning. And since he's not starting a blog until next week, I figured I'd post it for him here. I remember seeing a few years ago the first thing I typed at my grandmothers workplace. And it total rocked, so now it's only right to pass the favor along to my kin.

I love it! He's so cute and learning so fast. I know I sound like one of those first time parents that obsesses over every little thing their kid does for the first time but, ..oh wait...I am that parent!

Oh well. Congratulations Riley on your first typing experience!


Anonymous said...

Yay for Riley! Get him started in the right direction! So when is he gonna start his first video project? :)

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah.

Maybe after he starts his blog he can help me configure the new web servers here at the office.

Super Uncool said...

Spell check!