Thursday, September 01, 2005

Useful & Free

Today I cam across something I wish I had about 4 months ago when I really needed it. If I had a dollar for every time that happened...I'd have one dollar. I needed to capture a website for use in a TV commercial but the screenshot I took only got the part of the site that was viewable in the browser. I needed the whole thing. So what I did was just scroll down and take another couple screenshots and then Photoshoped them together. Well that sucks you say? Yes, it DID until I found "Paparazzi!" a free program for Mac OS X that allows you to capture an entire page no matter how long (height) the site is. The only problem with this program, however, is that when you need to capture a flash site, Paparazzi! takes a screenshot too fast and gets the page with a large blank spot in the middle where the .swf should be.
Try it out yourself here.

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