Friday morning we three arose and headed out to Boonsboro, MD for a weekend adventure in the wilderness. Actually, thanks to dad as 'wild' as we got was sitting around eating and drinking in the cold until 9:30 (the Man's bedtime) and going back to our heated hotel room. :-)
That sub-story is cute in itself, so lets visit that for a moment shall we? Lindsey and I wanted...Nay...NEEDED to go away to some distant land and escape life for awhile. Adstrategies, with whom we have a business relationship with, invited us on their annual staff camping trip - all expenses paid. We said "Don't mind if we do, thank you!" and decided to go. Now, there is of course the recently added issue of having an infant that cannot leave Momma's side for more than a few hours. (I have a headache so I'm just going to skip to the cute part ok.) grandpa didn't want grandson to have to stay out in the cold in a tent for two nights. (We didn't want that either. But at this point we were still trying to figure out a way around it.) So he offered to put us up in a hotel for the weekend...To save Riley and allow us to get away. :-) Awww, its so cute, OK. Back to the story.
We ate at the Greene Turtle on our way up there, which was my first experience with the turtle so I have to give it a little plug here and say how much I enjoyed their food! It truly was one shell of a time! The rest of the time we pretty much cooked hotdogs and hamburgs over the fire. It was a blast and we all had a great time. Riley even got compliments from the owner of the company on how good of a kid he was. "I don't think I heard him cry once this whole trip!" That's my boy!
Here's a few pictures I snapped up there.
Lindsey and Riley playing:

The Man trying to find something on the tube:

The Man texting his other buddy man's back home:

Geez...he's freaking adorable. Adorkable even. Look at those thighs mah gawd! I guess he gets those from me.
über adorable fö süré
I love the way you exploit your firstborn... so precious.
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