Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Professor Josh Dad puts it. :o)

So it's official, as soon as the paperwork goes through I will be an official Adjunct Faculty Member of Wilmington College!

Classes start in January and I'll be teaching the "Advanced Animation" course, which is actually both an undergraduate and a graduate class under the "Design" category and is a follow-up to the "Fundamentals of Animation" course. We will meet once a week (Wed) for 17 weeks at 3.5 hour intervals (5:00-8:30).

It's all about advanced techniques in After Effects, workflow, time management, etc so as you guys can imagine, I'm pretty psyched about teaching it!! Here's a course description I just found on their website:

DSN 310
Advanced Animation
3 credits
This course is an extension of DSN201 Fundamentals of Animation. The student will manipulate text, computer animation, and motion graphics to create visual effects seen in commercial video. Students learn about composition, rendering, lighting direction, and time management. Projects allow for creativity as well as ability to adhere to guidelines and follow instructions.
Prerequisite: DSN 201

I guess I am a little nervous. I've never taught in an actual classroom before, though I do feel I have the heart of a teacher. Lindsey tells me this all the time. So that's very reassuring to hear!

There are only two down sides I can see at this juncture.
1. The drive. 1.5 hours each way! (Ah well, I'm still making out really good considering the pay. :o)
2. LOST is scheduled while I'm going to be driving back home...:o(. (Thank God for TiVo and family that has it, that's all I have to say!)


Super Uncool said...

You will be an awesome teacher. But I can't believe Riley and I didn't make the list of things you are going to miss on Wednesday nights. Boo.

Josh said...

3. Lindsey and Riley. (understood)

Anonymous said...

Congrats man! I'll come in as a special surprise guest one day and shit on your desk and run away screaming.


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Josh!

Just wait until you have to grade homework (not to mention coming up with new homework assignments), and then you'll start to see the other "downsides"!

All in all, it's great fun, and very worthwhile to teach, but it sure ain't easy for those of us who actually care about the students!

You'll do a great job, I'm confident of it! And, if you stick with it, the *second* semester is much easier!!!

Josh said...

Tim will not be coming in as a guest. :o)

Thanks Ken, I'm teaching out of a book so prep will be a little less than if I were actually writing each class. But I know what you mean. I have taken those things into consideration. It should be awesome! And if it's should be.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, bud! You'll do a great job!! Be sure to keep us all updated on how things go!