Friday, January 20, 2006

A Few Suggestions

This list has been under construction for some time now. Don't get me wrong, I do love what apple has done with their OS, but there are just certain things that they seem to have overlooked.

It all started with the inability to refresh my desktop. "You think they would have added that feature by now", I thought to myself. So I wrote it down. Then some more annoyances came to my attention and hence, this list. If you have one thats not here please add it as a comment, as Apple reads my blog regularly and considers posted suggestions.

• Refresh button / menu item in appropriate places.
• Ability to change an icon's text style, color, size, etc.
• Ability to resize folders / app. windows from any side, not just the bottom right corner.
• Ability to stretch wallpaper across two monitors. (without aid from another app.)
• OS themes
• iTunes skins
• Ability to add a URL Address bar to folders
• Intel Processors

As you can see, Apple does take consumer suggestions into consideration, as they will yours if you post! Ha!


Anonymous said...

The ability to NOT use OSX..

Josh said...

I'm sure Steve Jobs will appreciate that one.
Don't hate Dan, appreciate you PC weenie!

Maybe Windows should add a function that allows it's users to be open minded.

Josh said...

I am kidding.