Thursday, January 26, 2006

Natures Little Rebels

Did you know that hamsters are NOT found in the wild? They are bred specifically as house pets!
Meet the newest additions to the Sammons household. Squeak and Master Chief!
My sister-in-law's hamsters had a plethora of babies so we opted into relieving her of some. The black is mine (Master Chee) and the tan one is Lindsey's (Squeak). It's a lot of fun just watching them run around, trippin over each other and falling down stuff. The photos we taken via my phone. *sigh* I miss you digital camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a hamster. His name was Sequal. Remember him? He was awesome. Then he died and became very boring. He just layed there all f*cking day. Then I had to throw him into the trash can.