Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hi, Nice To Meet You!

Yesterday was an awesome day...busnissly speaking. Dad invited me to attend the Rotary Club meeting which is comprised of business men and women who are active in the community. So I got to meet a lot of movers and shakers as well as eat a pretty decent breakfast! After that it was crunch time for the Pittsburgh Auto Show spot I posted about previously, which in my opinion took way longer than it had to.

That night was dubbed "Casino Night" by a group we (Watermark) are starting to work with, The Archer Group. They had poker chips with their logo on them which got you free drinks at the bar, half a dozen poker / blackjack tables set up so you can use the fake $1,000 they gave you at the door, and food that was amazing. I spent the night at the blackjack table and actually got up to about triple what I started with! Not bad for a first-timer. Until I lost it all. Have you ever had lamb chops? The hour drive was worth it if all they had was those. Mmmm. Besides all the food & fun, I also met a lot of additional business contacts here.

In honor of Lee Mikles, president of Archer, I had a Mojito for the first time ever. Let me back up a little. When I was looking for a job in DE, I had interviewed at Archer and met Lee (Awesome guy). Things ended up working a little different than what we had originally wanted but now that I'm at Watermark, Lee and I are still talking and attempting to work together to better both our companies. I think that it's actually going to end up better than we had thought! So anyway, one of their biggest projects is one called Mojito. Named after Lee's favorite drink.

And thus the story is complete, and another blog ends.

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