Friday, September 02, 2005

A Deserving Link(s)

Since Katrina's attack on New Orleans, we've seen the effects here, hundreds of miles away, in gas prices among other things. While I am mostly grateful for the service and convenience gas stations provide, I often find myself fuming at the rocketing prices I am forced to pay. Well today I came across something that made me laugh it all off. Apparently this guy made a blog dedicated to bashing gas stations' websites. (I wasn't even aware gas stations had websites) I can appreciate this being a designer myself but I think I mostly enjoy it because I feel that at least someone is giving retribution to the matter. Gas stations have even contacted him and asked him to stop making fun of their websites. It reminds me of another favorite link of mine where Maddox rates little kids' artwork. Haha, goofy Maddox. So whether you need retribution like me or just would like a quick good laugh. Be sure to check these links out.

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