Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Worth 1,000

So I decided against writing about all Fred's trips. (See post: What The Fred) The reason is two-fold actually. 1: It would take most of my free time to accomplish (which I am most unwilling to surrender) and B: I know it's just not the best idea in the world. However, in light of recent circumstances I am going to post this screenshot as a wrapup to the whole ordeal. The producers have been helping me finish a project that *ahem* has made us miss two deadlines on thus far. Thank God it's an internal project. Anyway, my co-producers have been dropping render files on my desktop upon completing their sections and we're now nearing the final deadline. Today I saw this folder on my desktop. Click to enlarge if you can't read the title of it.


Anonymous said...

Haha!! Awesome! Well, you remember I was in your office yesterday I believe it was, and Fred asked if I had everything I needed for IM Sales (no doubt because we were having a staff meeting in a few minutes)...sure, I had everything done then because I wrote the script myself because it took him so long!!!

Josh said...

We don't need no senior, let the mother freder burn.

Haha - My word verification says "herdney".