Saturday, September 10, 2005

Gala Recap

Have you ever done something then realized that what you just did was (and made you look) really stupid? That happens to me all the time. As long as you can laugh at yourself, it does make life more enjoyable.

Last nights' Gala was fun. I never heard the final head count, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say there were around 300 that came through for a look see. The owners of JPL came in (uninvited) possibly returning Jacqlyn's favor (showing up to their party uninvited) or just peeking in to see what the competition has going. Seb and Jacqlyn took it as a compliment and held their heads high the rest of the night knowing that they must be making some kind of lasting impression upon their company. They tried getting inside information on a rather large project Triscari is positioning for but no one would talk. Haha, one of the guys took a Triscari Crew shirt from the prize table before exiting out the rear of the tent. I can't imagine why, but it sure does make me respect their company. sheesh.
Anyway, yes the beer and food was great. I got to show my wife through the building again after all the renovations we've completed. Other than that we just sat around talking, eating and drinking. Oh, and I was told by a client that I was "workin that tux."

Now. I just downloaded a plethora very appealing After Effects Plug-in demos so if you'll excuse me. I'll be posting my favorite plug's in a few so keep an eye out.

And for those wondering if I will ever tie in the opening paragraph - no.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
