Thursday, September 08, 2005

What The Fred?!

There is a particular individual among us at work that makes our jobs much tougher and more painful. For his sake I'll just call him Fred. And from what I can gather, he seems to be completely unemployable. I could easily fill a page with posts of examples of his blunders and quirks that annoy the hell out of the producers. For example. Right now he's standing outside my doorway in the hallway with a blank stare, looking at the floor. I know what he's thinking, we all do. Absolutely nothing. And even Fred himself doesn't know why he's there at this moment. The way I live my life I assume everyone is intelligent, capable human beings with a conscience and other basic traits that I myself was raised with, unless they prove otherwise. I don't assume they will fail me in anyway, I give them a clean slate to start out on just as I hope they would do for me. Well Fred is one of those people that will prove otherwise every single day. So I've decided, for both therapeutic and humorous reasons, that I will try my best to describe Fred's actions from this day forth in my blog. As my beautiful wife so adequately put, "This should be interesting".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So your next post about "Fred" is going to be....completely blank?