Friday, September 09, 2005

Tonight's The Night

So tonight's the night. Triscari has invited clients and prospects alike to join us in the celebration of our Grand Re-Opening (a.k.a. sales pitch). Out of the 1,000 invitations they ordered so far approx 150 people have R.S.V.P.'d. The place is looking nicer than ever and the red carpet out front does the place up real nice. The telly's are on display, people are getting changed into their tuxs and suits, and it's just about show time. I'll let you know how the evening goes down maƱana. As for me, I'm going for the free food and beer. Oh yeah, and because I don't want to be fired.


Anonymous said...

Aw, you make it sound so bad ... almost as if all 1,000 invitations were even sent out! :)

Josh said...

Good thing Fred ordered those extra 500 invitations, huh.